Look from a Photographers Heart
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Monday, January 22, 2024
By Open Lens by Pamela, Photography, Artist and Marketing
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Taking a Look At Look

If you say look a bunch of times it seems like a funny word. Do you think I'm crazy? Do it...See it was funny right?

And I guess we would do that to almost any word.

What I want to talk about is the outside appearance, that first time someone sees You.

As a photographer, I have a goal of capturing the essence of you so you can start telling your story.

But this blog is not about just your outside look. It is about what your heart says through your eyes. Hum, I'm getting weird huh?

The Window To The Soul Is Your Eyes

When I do my pre-photo consultation this is one point I talk about with my clients is your heart attitude.

So much a part of our look is how we feel about ourselves.

This may seem heavy but it is true.

Note how amazing the famous people look!  Their lives are not perfect their makeup hair maybe but for them to act full of joy they act as if they are.  Remember the term Fake It Till You Make It!

Well, that was me for sure.  I'm not saying that this is what you need to do although some days that is how we need to roll.

But I have come to terms with the fact to have the "Look" that compels others to joy and know they matter, and spread light in my world I need to be grateful for what I have at this minute, time, day, week, memories of great joy to fill up my heart so my eyes shine and you can see the depth of me.

This is what I desire for you...fill yourself up with gratefulness, then shine and let your light touch others.

Happy Monday!


Joy to you! from a photographers heart named Pamela

Look. Feel. Be. Unforgettable

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