Everyone Has Beauty
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Wednesday, July 05, 2023
By Open Lens by Pamela, Photography
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Everyone Has Beauty

I know, I know, I can hear you saying, not me!


Beauty comes from within. Loving yourself so much that you take care of yourself comes first. 

Simple steps, yet they can be challenging;

The right amount of sleep and water 

I heard a very insightful, strong, caring, and beautiful speaker say how our bodies need sleep and water to help our brains. We need to be able to meet the challenges of our everyday life and have our bodies ready when super stressors happen.

Then the next thing she said caught my attention:

The brain will fill in the gaps if you do not have the facts.

I have found that my thoughts will get carried away with stinking thinking when I do not keep myself rested and hydrated so I can research the facts and battle the negative thoughts that try to take me down.

As an image creator

I often hear about the weight issue.

Is this Truth? Or is that what you think others would say or our world's point of view? 

The fact is this may be the best weight for you.

If you can say, I'm healthy and can do everything I need to do.

If this statement is true for you - own it - and tell yourself every time you hear this in your brain and beat that negative thinking!

I hope you will let me be your photographer, so we can create images of you that show your unique beauty.

Indeed you are beautiful!



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