Tips for making you look your best in photos!
Questions that I as your photographer would ask you:
What do you not like about photos that have been taken of you in the past?
What do you want your photos to say about you? Who you are, What you do, Services you offer, What kind of person you are.
As your photographer I will help you answer those quetions and help you prepare for you photo session.
Preparing for you photo session you should have the mind set that this is your specail day!
You'll want to take the time to think about how you will be using these photos, location, what do you want to say about yourself in these photos,
Clothing, hair, generally speaking looking your very best the day of your photo session that speaks of who you are and what you have to offer in business, services, product etc.
Having a photographer that will take the time to help you prepare and get to know you and your vision is very important for your photos to turn out spetacular! Photos that can be used in social media, websites, hanging on your wall, put in beautiful fames as gifts and so much more. Thats what we all need when it comes to having our photos taken to tell the story about us.
Because I believe Everybody is Beautiful!!
Photos of Lisa Archer Silks, located in Stevensville, Montana
Photos taken by Pamela Dunn Parrish of Open Lens by Pamela