You Inspire Me!
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Monday, September 27, 2021
By Open Lens by Pamela, LLC
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You Inspire Me!

Another Day, and look at you up and ready to give this day your best!

You Inspire others by your smile, and by the light that you share!

Each dawning of the day, you get to chose to be an inspiration to all those that come across your path.

And, we all get this choice to be an inspiration to others every moment of every day we are on this earth.


Here's how you inspire me,

You are kind when kindness does not seem to be the right response to rudeness

A smile, no matter how much your heart hurts

Giving, when you can bearly do for yourself

Helping another reach that jar in the store

Paying it forward in the drive-up coffee shop

Kind words of life, not negative words

Saying "Thank You" to those that protect and serve us!

Making others laugh!


I believe that the majority of us love deeply and want the best for all!

Bless Your Day!




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