After The Rain
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Monday, August 23, 2021
By Open Lens by Pamela, LLC
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After The Rain

After The Rain

The title of this book caught my heart and made me wonder if words would be in there that would help my healing process

 I bought it as an audible book.

I thought this will be further "motivation" for my daily walks.  And it was! So much so that I bought the hard copy book and using this for

in my daily quiet time to grow in my grief healing.

It has been a year now since I lost my baby Ali Marie! I know she was 28, but always a 4-year-old congo grey parrot that stole my heart

when she was 8 weeks old.


Grief work is hard! I have found that I can be so afraid of the process that I can choose to stop it.  But big grief will always show up!

In anger, loss of focus, lack of sleep, tears, heartache, loneliness, just to name a few.

inspiration leaves, just when I needed it most!

And Change! This kind of change is abrupt! The pain is all-consuming.

Sometimes breathing hurts!

The human brain has a hard time grasping the loss. And the human heart wants relief.


Let me close this blog with two quotes from the book" After The Rain"

"There are so many different ways to honor my process"

"I am leaning into the slow practice of mending"


To all who are healing

God Bless you,



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